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NICO Reading Group

NICO is looking for new leadership to run our reading group. If you are a Northwestern graduate student or post-doctoral fellow and are interested in leading this group, please reach out to for more information.

The NICO Reading Group is a community of individuals who are passionate about the intersection of complexity, data science, machine learning, and deep learning. We are an interdisciplinary and cross-departmental group, comprising staff, faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students from various schools and departments, including Kellogg, McCormick, Feinberg, and Weinberg. Our backgrounds range from data science, mechanical engineering, material science, computer science, physics, and mathematics.

Our discussions focus on fundamental and state-of-the-art techniques in complexity science and deep learning, covering topics such as data science, deep learning, AI for scientific knowledge discovery, computational modeling, and material design. We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment in which everyone can contribute to the discussion, regardless of their level of expertise.

Our goal is to foster mutual understanding and personal connections among people from different schools and departments who share a common interest in complex science and AI.

Meeting Times:

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