Past Event
WED@NICO SEMINAR: Brian Uzzi, Kellogg "The Universal Link Between a Mentor's Tacit Knowledge and a Protégé's Scientific Success"
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)
12:00 PM
Lower Level, Chambers Hall

Brian Uzzi, Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change, Kellogg School of Management
The Universal Link Between a Mentor’s Tacit Knowledge and a Protégé’s Scientific Success
Modern science is arguably in the epoch of collaboration. Mentorship is often a scientist's first, most formative, longest lasting, and in some cases compulsory collaborative relationship, yet a dearth of large scale quantitative studies of scientific mentorship leave central questions unanswered. We collected 100 years of intricate data on the publication records, genealogical networks, and social networks of 50,000 mentors and protégés in diverse fields worldwide to test if mentorship adds value to protégés’ existing talents and how it is imparted from mentors to protégés. Using a quasi-experimental design, we report three novel findings. First, mentorship strongly predicts protégé success on a wide range of scientific performance outcomes. Worldwide and universally across diverse disciplines and time, protégés of mentors who have scientific tacit knowledge about how to conduct and publish acclaimed research are two and a half times likelier to be science prizewinners, four times likelier to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences, and two times likelier to write high impact articles than control group protégés. Second, the positive impact of mentorship increases with the talent of the protégé at an increasing rate. Third, we demonstrate that mentorship neglect can undercut the imparting of critical tacit knowledge from mentors to protégés, which in turn is associated with a delay in the time even the most highly talented protégés take to make their leading scientific discoveries.
Speaker Bio:
Brian Uzzi is a globally recognized scientist, teacher, consultant and speaker on leadership, social networks, data science, AI and machine learning. He is the Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He also co-directs NICO, the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, is the faculty director of the Kellogg Architectures of Collaboration Initiative (KACI), and holds professorships in Sociology at the Weinberg College of Arts of Sciences and in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at the McCormick School of Engineering. He has lectured and advised companies and governments around the world and has been on or visited the faculties of INSEAD, University of Chicago, the University of California at Berkeley, and Harvard University. He has been awarded 13 teaching prizes and 12 scientific research prizes worldwide.
About the Speaker Series:
Wednesdays@NICO is a vibrant weekly seminar series focusing broadly on the topics of complex systems and data science. It brings together attendees ranging from graduate students to senior faculty who span all of the schools across Northwestern, from applied math to sociology to biology and every discipline in-between.
Live Stream:
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lower Level, Chambers Hall Map
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)
WED@NICO SEMINAR: Michael Dickey, NC State University "Shaping a Soft Future"
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)
12:00 PM
Lower Level, Chambers Hall

Michael Dickey, Camille & Henry Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, NC State University
Shaping a Soft Future
Existing devices—such as cell phones, computers, and robots – are made from rigid materials, which is in direct contrast to the soft materials that compose the human body. In this talk, I will discuss several topics related to studying and harnessing soft materials within the context of creating devices (actuators, sensors, electronics) with tissue like properties.
· Liquid metal: Gallium-based liquid metals are often overlooked despite their remarkable properties: melting points below room temperature, water-like viscosity, low-toxicity, and effectively zero vapor pressure (they do not evaporate). Normally small volumes of liquids with large tension form spherical or hemi-spherical structures to minimize surface energy. Yet, these liquid metals can be patterned into non-spherical shapes (cones, wires, antennas) due to a thin, oxide skin that forms rapidly on its surface. Recently, we have discovered a simple way to separate the oxide from the metal as a way to deposit 2D-like oxides at ambient conditions.
· Shape reconfiguration: Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of liquid metals it the ability to use interfacial electrochemistry chemistry to remove / deposit the oxide to manipulate the surface tension of the metal over unprecedented ranges (from the largest tension of any known liquid to near zero!). This allows manipulating the shape and position of the metal for shape reconfigurable devices.
· Ionogels: Soft materials that are tough (that is, they do not readily tear or fail mechanically) are important for a number of applications, including encapsulation of devices. Recently, we discovered a simple way to create ulta-tough ionogels, which are polymer networks swollen with ionic liquids. These materials are tougher than cartilage and compatible with 3D printing.
This work has implications for soft and stretchable electronics; that is, devices with desirable mechanical properties for human-machine interfacing, soft robotics, and wearable electronics.
Speaker Bio:
Michael Dickey received a BS in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology (1999) and a PhD from the University of Texas (2006) under the guidance of Professor Grant Willson. From 2006-2008 he was a post-doctoral fellow in the lab of Professor George Whitesides at Harvard University. He is currently the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Professor in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at NC State University. He completed a sabbatical at Microsoft in 2016 and EPFL in 2023. Michael’s research interests include soft matter (liquid metals, gels, polymers) for soft and stretchable devices (electronics, energy harvesters, textiles, and soft robotics).
In person: Chambers Hall, 600 Foster Street, Lower Level
Remote option:
Passcode: NICO25
About the Speaker Series:
Wednesdays@NICO is a vibrant weekly seminar series focusing broadly on the topics of complex systems, data science and network science. It brings together attendees ranging from graduate students to senior faculty who span all of the schools across Northwestern, from applied math to sociology to biology and every discipline in-between. Please visit: for information on future speakers.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lower Level, Chambers Hall Map
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)
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